Saturday, May 7, 2011

Future Tournament List

I don't own any Grey Knights models yet, but I have a goal to get this 1750 army bought, assembled, and painted by the October tournaments, when the points limit goes from 1500 to 1750. 

HQ: 600 points
Grey Knight TerminatorsMordrak, 5x Ghost Knights, 5x Falchions - 425
Librarian, Quick, Might, Sanctuary, Shrouding, Rift - 175

Troops: 500 points
10x Strike Squad, Hammer, Psybolts - 250
10x Strike Squad, Hammer, Psybolts - 250

Fast Attack: 620 points
10x Interceptors, Hammer, Psycannon x2, Psybolts - 310
10x Interceptors, Hammer, Psycannon x2, Psybolts - 310

As of now, I have 30 points left over. I'm considering adding Falchions to the Interceptors and/or skulls to the Libby or...?

I want some serious criticism on this list. I want you to bring up tournament army builds that I might have trouble with and suggestions for how the list might change to counter them.

General tactica: I can put 3 units right in the enemy's face on turn 1- Mordrak's Ghosts and the Libby as a unit and both Interceptors. Libby will Warp Rift high value targets. I can choose to give the Interceptors Scout- 12" scout move, 12" 1st turn move, 12" for pitched battle deployment zones. This would save their Shunt for later in the game. Or make them scoring. Or give them Counter Attack if I'm faced with an army that likes to assault (and not hop them quite so close to the enemy's lines to begin with).

I could also give one of the Strike Squads Scout and Outflank them, or Deep Strike them if I take some Skulls. But in general, one or both will keep my home objective safe, and I might move/run one upfield for some more Psycannon loving on the enemy.

So, have at it. Rip it apart please :D I'd rather address weaknesses now, before I've bought the models, than after I leave a tournament in shame!


  1. hahah..intresting blog!^^
    follow! :)

  2. Informative post - sure, but you will do the right choice, cheers

  3. nice post maan. Interesting. ;) +follow

  4. They are expensive as hell... Point wise...

  5. Man, this is intensive. I look forward to getting my hands on anything with psybolts

  6. Don't know much about Grey Knights but I'd like to learn,

  7. This is Warhammer, right? I don't know too much about it, but I bid you good luck!

  8. Been trying to get into the Warhammer world. Maybe I can learn a thing or two here

  9. Oh man I haven't played since GORKAMORKA (sniff) I have an awesome ork legion that I've only lost twice with!

  10. Informative post man!

    Thanks for sharing!
