Thursday, May 12, 2011

Revised Tournament List

After some corrected math and discussion on the best 40k Marine forum, this is what the potential tournament list has become:

HQ: 615
Mordrak, 5x Ghost Knights, Hammer, 4x Falchions - 420
Librarian, Quick, Might, Sanctuary, Shrouding, Rift, Summoning, 3x Skulls - 195

Troops: 500
10 SS, Hammer, Psycannon x2, Psybolts - 250
10 SS, Hammer, Psycannon x2, Psybolts - 250

Fast Attack: 620
10 Interceptors, Hammer, Psycannon x2, Psybolts - 310
10 Interceptors, Hammer, Psycannon x2, Psybolts - 310

But I still have 15 leftover points, and I'm not sure where to put them.